Testosterone Replacement Therapy


Testosterone is a hormone that plays a crucial role in sexual development, sperm production, fertility, and the development of secondary male characteristics like hair growth patterns, deep voice, muscle growth, motivation, and drive.
One of the most common causes of low T is called andropause, or male menopause. This is a slow decrease in testosterone due to the natural process of aging. In addition to this, T levels can become low as a result of the testes inability to produce testosterone, hormone disorders, history of infections, cancer, radiation, trauma, certain medications such as opioid (pain) medication, obesity, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes.
Signs of low testosterone may include a decreased sex drive, low energy, lack of motivation, erectile dysfunction, decreased work performance, increased sleep patterns, and diminished strength and endurance.
Intramuscular injections, subcutaneous injections, or with topical gel. Injections can be given in office or the prescription can be sent to your home.
Handsome young man doing push-up exercises in gym

Overview of treatment options

In order to provide personalized treatment, we tailor replacement therapy based on laboratory results and the symptoms you are currently experiencing. The main objective is to normalize your testosterone levels and alleviate or reduce your symptoms. Treatment options include weekly injections in office, or the medication may be mailed to your home.

Our treatment packages include medication, the administration of medication, regular monitoring of your condition through laboratory tests, and follow-up appointments. The duration of treatment varies for each individual, and once you have achieved your treatment goals, follow-up appointments are scheduled every 3 months.